you had news about birnam wood, what was it? birnam wood has decided to use the trees and bushes as camouflage for their march upon you. so? well as the messenger puts it when he comes to report, by the looks of it, birnam wood is moving on dunsinane, which is what the witches said would happen before your downfall. equivocating hags! the very words they used to shore me up are the words that will describe my undoing. it's not looking good is it? what will you do? arm, arm, and out! if this which he avouches does appear, there is no flying hence nor tarrying here. i gin to be aweary of the sun, and wish the estate of the world were now undone. ring the alarm bell, blow wind, come, wrack! at least we'll die with harness on our back. well, let's take a look. they have tied me to a stake; i can not fly, but bear like i must fight the course. what's he that was not born of woman? such a one am i to fear, or none. turn hell-hound, turn! of all men else i have avoided thee but get thee back; my soul is too much charged with blood of t