thank you very much for presenting your research, and i have a particular question for professor birnir about, if i understand your institution correctly, that religious content didn't influence conflict, per se? i was a little surprised by it, by that idea, because there's much research about how religion and even several eliminations influence a democracy. for example, seems to be more supportive of democracy and even -- they more than islam. and there are also books by kindle who says when does religion become evil? and he describes five elements in religion that can make it more evil in certain cases. so i'm curious what's your conclusion on that point and how the other panelists think about it. >> well, our conclusion is that any religion can be used for violence. and we don't find systemic evidence when we look at countries across time and space that will is -- that one religion is predominantly used for violence. we don't say that -- and that's why we say the content of the religious philosophy is not a root cause. it's not evident to us that the content of any particular religio