nick and birt and kelly baker. medalline and lisa and david tran. next speaker. >> good evening. i'm debbie gold and i live in district 6 and i'm on the safety committee and i'm on captain redman c-pad. i was listen to everyone during the course of the evening and i don't need it add to all the stories because we all agree on the same issues, however, i do want to say that i've been a driver for over 40 years and i learned how to drive from studying the dmv manual. no one has mentioned about including a representative from the dmv and i would also like to suggest that maybe each police officer has a copy of the dmv manual. i'm thinking that maybe some of the police officers, maybe the bus drivers, maybe the truck drivers, maybe those people who are out there who are breaking the laws have lost sight of the basic rules of the road, and my suggestion would be to maybe have the dmv manual accessible to everybody. and thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. don't be shy. you can line up closer to the podium. >> thank you, my name is howard and i live in sul