bitate says the invasions are getting worse and worse. uncovered. invasions happen here with or without facebook, but facebook makes it easier than ever for sellers to find buyers. could we find the invader trying to sell part of the uru—eu—wau—wau reserve on facebook? the next day, our undercover operative, lucas, heads out of town. the seller we found on facebook advertising lands inside the uru—eu—wau—wau territory has agreed to a meeting. just as before, he thinks lucas is a lawyer representing wealthy investors from sao paulo. the seller is a man called alvim alves. he has brought with him several official—looking documents. none of them is a legal land title. one of the documents he shows lucas mentions the curupira association. the federal police labelled this association, this curupira association, as a criminal organisation focused on stealing land from the indigenous people. these associations occupy protected areas and lobby pro—agriculture politicians to grant the stolen lands to their members. then alvim invites our undercove