how do i do i interact with it well as a consumer you would initially download the bitcoin client and you would do that from bitcoin dot org it's open source software and the currency is not centrally managed it's not it's not centrally issued and the transactions aren't centrally verified all those tasks are performed by the collective nodes of the network so it's almost like a headless mob where there is no central direction and that's beneficial that's what you want the main thing ok so i download the client other bit of bitcoin dot org which which now i am part of the network so now you've downloaded the client you have the option either to generate coins or to perform transaction ok and send so i can either generate clients or i can be involved in a transaction using these coins correct correct ok so let's let's put aside generating that going for a second because there is some guard in there we're going to revisit but let's just talk about a transaction of the transaction side how does that work the way the transaction works is you would either have to receive or send coins so l