trying to attain the ideal road surface in general roads are made up of gravel and sun although bitterman has been successfully used in boats for almost two centuries there is still room for improvement and this is where unicom stands out from the rest. unicom which stands for universal competent materials produces a fine powder the beats anything else in the markets hands down. some would say you can take any rubber powder. but that's not true so what you need to make it work is a physical and chemical reaction between the big human and whatever powder you have . the extent to which the powder reacts is determined by the area of the powder in contact with the bitumen you were poor should. be the one despite being very fine the ball tycoon lacks the surface area to react completely with the pitchmen always still improves the road surface the full potential the rubber has not been a lot the cauliflower like surface of the nano powder produced by means that just one gram of it has a surface area of up to five thousand sets me to square. however none of this would be possible were it not for