his challenger matt biven has all the same views. so, is the tea party losing here or has it simply taken over? >> well, in a lot of ways, again, per speaker boehner's point, there is no real dissension anymore between the two candidates. i think that you also have to imagine that most of these folks will do whatever at all is possible for political expediency. they will say that they don't support obamacare, but they'll rename it something else and support that, especially in kentucky, we know that to be the case. so i think that it's just one of those things where he'll do whatever is necessary to get to this primary season, and when it comes time to the general and he has to veer a little bit more to the left to win some left-leaning votes, he's going to probably do that. >> but kasie, isn't the problem when he veers to the center maybe, in november, he's got to deal with all of the videotapes and the items that he sent here to try and hold off bevin, and the fact is, for example, his opposition to the affordable care act in kentu