in the small cap category, you under performed and all the managers did better, and that's because biviam is in the result but no longer a manager. >> let's hope that's a closed chapter. on page 32, the scatter diagram, on page 2, the question -- all the little dots, is that previous pension funds. >> each of those is a fund greater than $1 billion in value. >> the circles change size, and then, you can see a progression over time. i don't know if that's possible to do, but what we're trying to figure out, are we getting better risk management or not, trying to move to the upper left. >> it does not show that. >> does not show that, but is that a possibility, trying to improve that report. >> that is a possibility. >> page 25, the thing about that, yes, we look very efficient. the question the board may want to ask ourselves is whether or not we want to take on more risk. we look very efficient. that's great, but we actually need to produce returns, so again, this is a result, but whether or not we should take or could take on more risks, and we are doing some more shifting, that's why i