and as usual, it was quiet in bixby knolls here in long beach. quiet. and in that quiet more menacing than anybody understood. as police, responding to a call about a prowler, waited outside the front door, neither they nor the half-awake homeowner sensed the jeopardy as she closed the door in their faces and went in search of a key for the gate to the yard. seconds ticked by. the dog barked. the woman didn't return. so the cops, still not getting it, went in. too late. >> she was attacked and she was killed right then and there while the officer was on her front porch. >> reporter: just extraordinary. >> yeah. was lynn schockner. she was 50 years old. when they found her lying quite dead just outside her own back door, they could clearly see the bright red gash across her throat. how was it possible? the policemen were just outside her front door and more cops were in alert mode out in the alley, but the only apparent witness to the silent murder of lynn schockner was lynn's little dog, zoe. horrified officers found her lying by lynn's side, her white