./// bizaare situution... at... a... fort myers... florida... police station.../// this... iss..e ... statioo lobby... onn.. wednesday morninn...///.you... can see... a &m. view.police say... he asked to speak ...to &pannofficerr.../ then ... sat down....//two... officers... come thru... a door... / and... notice the man... is carrying ...a... silver machete....//the... man sttnds up,.../ machete... at the nting... the officcrs,.../// police... quickly subdued the suspect. common sense... says, .../ don't secrets....// the ... f-b-i... raids... a... of selling... military accused secrets... and... classified technology... to the russian military. military. aa.. conntant stream of agents... walked out... f the warehouse... with... boxes and boxes... of... evidencc....// ttey... say... that pold... american... --3 military systemm, .../ including... radar, ..../ surveillancc,.../ weapons guudance...// and... detonation triggers.... for bombs...///. counter-intelligence... eeperts say... that... this... is theetype of during the cold ar. - a wild party busted by social media. the fa