bjoern: if i told you, i would be in a competition.] we have new partnerships announced in the next weeks and months. from the football side, we signed partnerships a couple weeks ago. big influencers on the soccer side and the lifestyle side. francine: tom cannot wait to get a pair of those kicks. the markets that have done well for, and those that haven't. quicker. opened much sales are not following. what is going on? bjoern: china was hit by the pandemic earlier. they have a strong recovery, q2. q3 was weaker from development than many thought. by a high level of discount. you will see china growing again at a stronger pace in q4. which ares of asia, dependent on chinese tourists are having a tough time, like singapore, tokyo, other markets. q3.icans were reliable in consumers buying sneakers. sentiment has been positive. all european markets in q3 did well. after a pandemic, traffic is down by the consumer's buying sneakers and sports apparel. less people in the store. those who come, buy more. after two months of opening, it slow