the black dragon inn. i know that place. this is all the more reason... ...why we must confront them with the truth. anna is in here? in the box? how does she get air? light? you stay here. there we go. we'll roll her out on these. we roll her up the ramp and then lash her down. will that not make the wagon top-heavy? it might. we'll just have to wait and see. ...reinforced leaf springs and running gear. that's why i borrowed her in the first place. we could try it first... ...without mrs. mcburney in the box. no, no. no time for that. what if the roof caves in? mr. mcburney, you are going to do this this way... ...if i help you or not? i sure could use your help. be obliged. but, yes, sir. i'll do it alone if i have to. are you with me? hey, mcburney! let us out of here, mcburney! we've done it, caine. now all you have to do is lash her down, and off we go.