wrote a whole book about, it shine bright, for a black woman in music to receive the credits that she is due. i don't care if she is beyoncÉ, john jackson, mariahha franklin, it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter what accolades they are experiencing, what riches or fame they are experiencing, it is not what they're do. for the amount of work ingenious that they have going on in their creative lives. so why? maybe we can just look at the history of american pop culture for those reasons. black women, black people, when we do, it it's considered to be, i don't, know just normal. something we were born. with something we're able to do. something that is not that difficult for us to achieve. we're supposed to be the singing and the dancing of the -- am i right? and i think that's one of the things that so important about her film, renaissance. it is a demonstration of the work that is put in, the physical and mental, and creative labor that goes into a project like renaissance. she says in the film, it took four years to put this show together. and she is at the head of all of that creatively, behind the scenes, and then still has to get in 70 milli