court has worked directly with the black rock arts foundation, and there's a couple of members of that here today that they speak to it. for the third, with the city arts commission, there are also a couple of other organizations the port could work with to showcase the bay area's harden talent. thus far, the port has not provided substantial funding. the port also places all major responsibilities for art on the sponsoring organization, as is typical of the agreement that i described a minute ago. funding remains the biggest challenge. the port as a partner in the placement of public art has its greatest asset being the availability of, a waterfront locations, which can make a name for many artists. that said, with the commission support, staff will work to find our to present to the commission, which was showcased the waterfront from both the america's cup 34 and the port's 150th anniversary. any comments you may have on that is appreciated. there is an attached resolution for your consideration for the extension of the rocket ship. if you have questions, i will be available for that. thank you. >> thank you. may i have a motion? is there any pu