black sea chanel. it's more like rotten eggs.rom the bottom at sites hundreds of kilometres from the shore have shown the extent of the black sea's contamination. micro plastics are tiny pieces of plastic which can be swallowed by marine creatures and thus get into the food chain. the study of micro plastics is relatively new so it's not clear yet what impact ingesting them will have on our health. to get good samples of the surface seawater, i leave the main research vessel with peter, a slovakian scientist. peter tells me he has been finding tiny traces of everyday items in the middle of the sea. stimulants like caffeine and illicit drugs, painkillers, stuff like ibuprofen and then there are compounds coming from personal care products, from shampoo and dish water detergents. that sounds horrifying. should we worry about this? the biggest threat is from pharmaceuticals, especially from antibiotics. the problem is the bacteria which are also here can become resistant against these antibiotics and that is the biggest problem. and