as late as 1959 blackba ball players were still suffering under that scenario. >> i appreciate that comment. you would enjoy this, i was in nevada last sunday and there was a player who played for the mcfurson team and played against satchel page and was on the team as well. satchel page -- let me put this t this way. kansas had its own unique form of racism. i know a little bit about boxing and boxing was considered a contact sport so until 1938, i think it was '38 was the first year they would let black amateur boxers fight white fi fighters to qualify. they had to fight other black fighters in kansas. in certain sports they have high school rules. when they considered basketball a contact sport. so many black rules couldn't play against white cools because those were some of the rules. slowly those rules have disappeared. it was pretty tough times. there was a gentleman by the name of -- actually he has -- he has a couple of grandsons i'm going to call his name in a minute but he played for the colorado springs sky sox. he told me the story -- his name was sam harrison. he told me when h