thorsten heins, former blackberry c.e.o., has a new job.left blackberry a year ago after failing to reverse the company's slumping market share. thorsten heins is on to his next challenge, taking over the reins of powermat technologies, an israel-based company that enables wireless charging of mobile devices. earlier betty liu sat down with him to speak about the role. >> if you look at communication and what wireless has been going through, we call, you know, we surf the internet, wherever we are, whatever we want to do. but then actually you get to a point and you say, do i have enough juice in my battery, how do i keep charged, how do i keep going? we still have these places in airports, people looking for power outlets. i think we're on the verge of solving the next big problem of going mobile, by allowing people to wirelessly charge wherever they are waiting, and they just charge their device and we make sure they stay charged. >> they can do it simply and easily and wirelessly, essentially. >> exactly, no wires, no chargers needed. pu