you talk to swastikas, blackface, the n word. their some areas where satirist even are not typically allowed to go. that's one of the things about millennial generations. we find they don't have the same racial hangups but they do have this peculiar tendency to have these blackface parties at campus parties. so they are wrestling with some of the same demons that we have wrestled with. but just in different ways, and i think with less intensity sometimes. >> i'd like to pause here so that you could read for us. i've asked you to read something of your choosing. >> i will read a very brief section. toward the and of the book. let's see. okay. smart black people have never been invisible to other black people. nor of course have they been invisible to whites who have often chosen to see them as exceptions to a general rule of the black ignorance and subpar intellectual performance. black communities have also suffered weird, internal proceeds regarding black prince. smart like people have been acknowledged and sometimes even admire