dragonwind to blackie. what's your six, blackie?blackie. check your six and alert when in position. - this is [bleep]ing retarded. - getting nervous, kyle? when that leprechaun shows up, you must suck my balls. don't forget, i have a signed contract from you. - yeah, and if you couldn't prove there was a leprechaun, you had to give me $10. now just pay up and stop being stupid! - god damn it, why hasn't it shown up yet? dragonwind to faggot, come in, faggot. - this is faggot. go ahead. - faggot, i need you to keep surveillance north, northeast. check back in five. - okay, will do. faggot out. ugh. - okay, that's enough. everybody... cartman is just pulling one of his stupid tricks on everyone because he's trying to get out of a deal he made. - it was here, i swear it! i don't know why it's not showing up this time! - you didn't see a leprechaun, fat ass! if you could prove it, i had to suck your balls, but if you couldn't, you had to pay me $10. pay up! - uh, i got something! i got it! it's a--whoa, jeez, i think it's a leprechaun!