these stocks is going to depend on institutional investors like the world's biggest money managers blacklock and bend guard and if they are being pressured enough by shareholders to back up they are among the top shareholders all three of the biggest public lee traded gun manufacturers talk about numbers there's a very important number here two thirds of all handguns important in the united states are made in europe so how does that draw in the discussion huge market. while companies like zigzags who are glock and beretta already have growing shares off america's firearm market foreign firms in general and the share of them off american firearm sales rose from ten per cent to a peak of forty five percent in two thousand and seven now at the moment it's a little less and the lion's share of this come from european countries austria for example alone home to glock exported one point three million handguns to a. america and it's number one importing country and some of these syrup in companies by the way are also just as active as american competitors when it comes to lobbying lawmakers on gun