this was justice blackmun, who wrote the roe v wade decision, passed away. he is in front of the gates, in front of the pearly gates. all of these babies saying, what trimester were you in? yes, it gets that reaction a lot. my wife and i have been married for 31 years. and to tell you our relationship, in 1998 we were expecting our second child, and she was then labor, ready to burst labor, this was election day 1998, we stopped by the voting place so she could cancel out my vote. [laughter] [applause] that dovetails into how we can be friends in editorial cartooning circles. we disagree on the stuff. i am to the right. i worked on reagan's campaigns. i could bore you with the rest, butbut we still share the same values. we want our kids to go to school that teach them. how we get there, a little different routes. the iraq war, and there is france on the tread. i just want to point out, if you drop a squished poodle,that is cartoon excellence. i do believe in the culture of life. i am against the death penalty, abortion, euthanasia. i think there's room for