the incidents such as what happened in tucson a few weeks ago, incidents like what happened in blacksburg in 2007 and what happened in littleton, colorado in 1999 will continue. i find hope ultimately in the ability of us to collectively address these issues and to make our world a better place. let me read this passage. this is the beginning of the conclusion. it discusses what i call bio spend. at this moment it is possible to fix the problem of deadly interpersonal violence in the united states. we have not only the knowledge to curb the mayhem in our streets peterson will schools, work places and homes but the means to shake the society relatively free of danger and fear. we can create a peaceful nation in which the taking of human life is a shocking aberration instead of a common occurrence. this new were better nation would require minimal sacrifice in terms of liberty hash and could easily exist in the current framework of laws and social mores. would entail a shift in attitudes and adjustments in how we accommodate violence in our families, social relations, entertainment and publ