charles blahous, currently a senior research strategist at the george mason university mercatus center. always plenty of calls when we have this topic. mary is from front royal, virginia on that line for social security recipients. caller: thank you for having me. i am curious about the other side of the social security. for instance, when an employer has to pay fica, they are able to write that off as an excise tax or something. then they receive social security as well, so it is almost as if they are double dipping. guest: the taxation of social security contributions is complicated. i will try to make some sense out of it. the caller is right. the employer share of the contribution is tax-deductible to the employer. it is regarded as an expense of doing business. the employee share, the part taken out of drug wages, is not -- wages is not tax-deductible. in some ways that is artificial. most economists will tell you, in effect, both halves are coming out of your paycheck. certainly comes out of your wages, the amount of compensation your employer can give to you. another implication