in great britain, the blair administration in 1999 decided to tackle child poverty rates.and you can see that their poverty rate when he addressed the issue was much higher than the united states. and you can see that it has all but the other thing that's interesting about this, if you go forward, this runs only through 2007, but if you go to forward we know the poverty rate in the united states has gone up to 22, 23%. the poverty rate for the uk is still down at 12. poverty rate today in uk is about half that of the united states, despite having started off with a high rate. so it can be done. on early childhood of a talk too much about this because often, speakers about this before me talked about this, but you to highlight a few things. head start reaches less than a third of eligible kids. early head start only reaches 4.5% of our nation's kids. and child care funding reaches only one in six eligible parents. so we have the systems in place. we have not provided the adequate resources to get kids where they need to be. in education, look, my kids go to some of the best