ruth waalkes: we've been looking forward to having blair thomas and this particular production of moby dick very very much for a number of reasons. i have worked with blair in the past in other locations so i'm familiar with his work. i've seen the kind of development, the kind of creative work that he does, not only what he does on stage as well, but the educational components. and that was one of the reasons we were really excited to bring blair here to blacksburg was to have him engage with students. joe dashiell: have you seen a production like this center for the arts? ruth waalkes: you know i think this is actually the first puppetry theater production that we've had. we've done a number of different kinds of programs over the 2 1/2 years now that we've been in the building. we have a pretty diverse program, but this really is the first true puppetry performance which is pretty exciting in itself. so the whole definition of what puppetry is, is something that's pretty broad and very very diverse. you know i think we tend to think of puppetry for young audiences and this is a prog