usc's psychological of business offers an mvp, james bogle and blake pickell join us today. james, let's start with you. why is there a need for a master of business program specifically for veterans. how is the curriculum different from the traditional mba? >> i would say it is driven by the demand. there is a tremendous interest in the program like this. >> what kind of interest have you seen so far? >> there is lots and lots of inquiries and applications. unfortunately we can only accommodate 50 students at a time at this point. but there is many people in quiring into it. >> blake, i want to congratulate you. i know it has only been a we e you graduated, how do you feel right now. >> i feel great, i'm very proud to be a member of cohort 2. i'm just looking to get lots of money from various companies. >> anyone related to a company watching, make sure you give blake a call. you were an officer in the air force, why did you enroll and what skills were you looking to develop? >> i went to the air force academy to serve my country and to basically get technical skills in eng