blanca garza: it's great to be here, damian. damian: thank you. thank you for being you're here to tell us that everything's fine now. we don't need any more help, there's no more poverty in the bay area. liz gomez: i wish that were the case, damian. unfortunately, hunger remains a major issue in our communities. in alameda county, we are estimating that we are providing assistance to one in four of our county residents. that includes children, adults, and seniors who are experiencing some level of food insecurity or even hunger. you know, just to help illustrate, before the pandemic, we were serving one in five at alameda county residents. here we are, you know, 2023, and what we're seeing is that people are still struggling. the need hasn't led up. food insecurity remains high, and the need for essential food supports continues. damian: wow, that's a sad statement to make here on comunidad del valle, and blanca, this is not exclusive to alameda county. we're seeing it in san mateo, santa clara, all over the bay area, all over the state, blanca garza: really, it i