lieutenant-governor of louisiana who comes there, the gentleman who was the senator from mississippi blanch k. bruce. we have many, many celebrities there. we have also howard university, which is the real seat of the black intelligence, too. so we have this town. we have this big celebration. people turn up to dedicate the memorial. the black elites who turn up, and they walk up to the platform area, because their tickets say platform, get there and they're turned away. they're turned away to a segregated seating area about a block away, and it's a weedy area where there are rough hewn benches, and the grast has not been cut. these are lawyers, judges, and many turn on their heels and leave. one of them who temporarily takes a seat is a former collector of customs at georgetown. he and his wife. he's a famous black government official. he's taking a seat, and they're cordoned off and presided over by uniformed marines. he's having a seat because he's making up his mind whether he's going to stay. the marine says to him, you should move to the center to make room for other people. he sits back and t