two years before, in munich, kandinski had formed a new group of artists-- der blaue reiter, the blueorseman. this theme of an impending apocalypse was a central concern not only of kandinski, but of blaue reiter artist franz marc. here in kandinski, it's expressed in a mystical abstraction. but the explicit meaning, conveyed in the metaphor of a great animal disaster, comes out in franz marc's fates of animals, painted in 1913. predictably, this painting has often been treated as a prophecy of the great war, out of which came the collapse of the austro-hungarian empire, the creation of weimar germany, and the 1917 russian revolution. it was, remarkably, as the war claimed its victims that kazimir malevich, in russia, developed his own kind of mystical abstraction. this work, red square, was painted in 1915 and was part of a sequence of works, often more complex, which he called suprematist. for him, these colored shapes floating in white infinite spaces could convey the awe of religious experience. he, like the other mystics who put their faith in abstraction, kept aloof from the rea