commissioner maufas: -- [applause] commissioner maufas: really bleelve and i wanted to make certain and i reiterated this when i spoke at the rules committee, that it was imperative that this policy is not a surprise to incoming families and our families remaining here. i know when my daughter was enrolled in school, even though there wasn't the policy, i understood there was an issue about where i live and where i wanted my daughter to go to school. it wasn't a mystery to me because i asked and i wanted her to get into a school and i had to find out. it wasn't mysterious and i don't think it has really truly been mysterious. i believe folks generally know. i'm grateful we have this policy and we can advertise it at every opportunity so it's as general knowledge about the feeder system and everything else that we have, nutrition policies we, have what no sodas, just commonplace and across the board, translated in all the languages we have and i know you took notes on that and will do that and i really believe it will be imperative and i also saw you taking down notes when i was requesti