gerri: the hamp bleepedder, jay cor, you're awesome. thanks for the help explaning it there. i think people got it. if you didn't, you certainly got it there. thank you for your help. >> thank you very much. gerri: the fda says it's almost powerless to protect us from dangerous drugs produced from what they call compounding pharmacies. we talked about this. this may change soon. a new bipartisan senate bill gives the food and drug administration control over certain compoundingpharmacies. here to weigh in, grace marie turner, thanks for coming in. it is great to ha you here, and just to remind people, late last year, 50 people died, 700 people were made sick by drugs that came out of one of these compounding armacies. it was a huge scandal, and now, today, congress coming up with legislation, it's only getting started to fix this problem. do you think congress is going far enough with the proposal on the table? >> i do bause they are particularly targeting these large manufacturing facilities, but are relly masker raiding the pharmacies. they are legitimate pharmacies that ta