don't you think they would have appreciated a gleaming amazon hq in blighty buffalo?for city and state governments to throw free money at gold-dusted corporations. and it's one of the few times where i actually agree with that socialist dullard, al sand ya to casio or cortez. this whole enterprise is fishier than a carp farm and further enriching a loaded company by punishing middle income earns through higher taxes is wrong on every level. do i blame amazon? well, not necessarily. these are the rules of the restricted marketplace dictated by greedy politicians who only want to win sausage-swinging contests to beef up brochures. to you blame a stripper for dancing naked? [laughter] or the trout-mouthed perverts throwing money at her to wriggle her bits in their faces? amazon's g-string is already quite full, and those dirty ones are coming from your piggybank, and you didn't even get toking the goodties. and that's the memo. ♪ ♪ kennedy: if you need any more proof, just check out the two bozos who pushed the operation through here in new york the, governor andrew cuom