. >> looks like you need some blistex. >> i know.hy my lips are dry right now. >> mine too. >> because yours are. you remember what you told me a long time ago? about your mama? it's happening to me. i got bruises and scratches all over my back. i felt it last night for the first time. and today when i got up, tara said i had like finger marks on my back. i even got them on my sides. they're like beating me up kind of like, roughing me up. i don't know -- it's kind of like -- and it's not anybody in the house with me. what is it? >> it's the bad. and god knows that i'm trying to do right. and that's why he's sending all the bad stuff. >> i know. i told you that. that's why you ran away from me like a kid. >> you knew how i used to be. but there's no more hate in my heart. all there is is love. >> i told you a long time ago all you had to do was stop cursing him. stop doing -- is it voodoo? what is it? what is it? is it black magic? i need to know. >> all you have to do is call my brother. my brother can take you to the creek medicine