sources of particular subject that i was interested in and then on a large and very grand secondary blucher. as would other scholars. but the did nothing guarantees to reinvent the wheel on the subject. it is those kinds of things, of drawing on my own knowledge. postilion such as roy was particularly interested in what titis? >> will move a wonderful place of the department of history at the university of maryland is that nobody claims ownership over particular subjects. i am a historian of the civil war, and nobody else can to step of me. i have been able to teach many, you know, many things. i'd probably buy favorite is just the general american history, of course. we tend to get the big questions , kind of paint with the broom rather than a brush. then i teach specialize scorches -- courses, slavery, labor, labor history, many of the. courses from the revolution to the jacksonian to the civil war. civil war and registration. recently restarted is center here called the center for the history of the new america, the center dedicated to the steady of migration globally and preparing to te