significant percentages of poultry by product meal and blue buffalo top selling life protection products appearing assume blue buffalo for fulton advertising eventually leading to a class action lawsuit purina launched a website called pet food honesty. the irony of the entire lawsuit however was period his own lack of transparency when it came to their own products they refused to answer questions on camera about the quality or source of their own ingredients. since you guys are suing the buffalo for like transparency and brilliance i just wanted to give you guys an opportunity to talk to this gentleman to consumers about the transparency of your own ability and. i will pass this along after purina failed to respond to our request we tried again so we don't have a idea of a day when every guys will buy 1st on. well i will not be responding so i am not sure it's it's kind of up to. you know when he was interested he said basically harold has had the information period no would not defend their own alleged lack of true transparency we reached out to blue buffalo as well who also refused to go on camera if this really was about t