these puerto rican activists have arrived on the doorstep of a manhattan-based hedge fund, blue mountain capital. hedge funds often invest in debt-ridden economies, buying up bonds at low prices, and looking to flip them for quick profits. and puerto rico is their latest target. the strategy has earned them a reputation among critics as so-called "vulture funds." >> a group of hedge funds that own puerto rican debt hired claudio loser to find ways for puerto rico to solve its debt crisis. among the former imf economist's recommendations - even more cuts to education. >> but it shows the expenditure and school enrollment, how it has declined, school enrollment and how education expenditure has increased enormously. we have been very careful to say that we believe that this is a decision that has to be taken by the authorities of the island. education is too important to be played with and be cut in a irrational or discretional fashion. >> but your co-author briefed reporters that puerto rico is massively overspending on education. >> i mean, that was the message, that came out from the report. >>