montgomery county and bux, bluebell, all these places with 32 an hour ago, still 32. come back, we'll be monitoring these things throughout the newscast and you can monitor your neighborhood on our app, too. >> all right. heavy rains have rivers and streams rising throughout the areas this afternoon. look at this. with creek raging here in philadelphia. the first alert team said it's localized flooding that's more of a concern with this storm we're dealing with. miguel martinez is live where those dangerous winds have brought down trees you showed us. >> when we saw you earlier, there weren't a lot of people out. hopefully that's still the case. >> yeah, tas friday afternoon. at this time, a lot of the people are expected to be out, going home or going out, but you can see just a few people out right now. most opting to stay in because of this snow falling on the ground. turning into this really gross slush on the ground here. most just want to stay indoors. >> it just kind of feels messy. really wet. with thor than regular rain. >> heavy winds, freezing rain and bitt