that spatula in your kitchen bears her name or you've come to really rely on her recipe for blueberry pancakesmartha stewart has a talent for teaching, inspiring, and creating beautiful things. so how did she turn her passion for home making into the power house that is now martha stewart media? she shares her thoughts about being your own customer, learning every day, and having a business plan. ♪ >> when i wrote my book "the martha rules," i made a list of what i think are those golden rules for a good business. just like i have golden rules for how to make a pie and golden rules for cake making, i have golden rules for business. and if you stick by these golden rules, you'll probably do okay. i have always said ever since i started working that i am my customer. i want to appeal to me. what's missing in my life? what void can i fill that will fill the voids for everybody that's like me? and my mother would always say, nobody's like you, martha, forget it. and i always said, mother, i am like everybody else. and, you know, i have chickens, i have a garden, i scrub the floors, i vacuum my hou