they were using bluetooth. i always regarded bluetooth as the greedy yuppies were you taught yourself. -- creepy earpiece where you talk to yourself. there were not familiar with the earpiece aspect of bluetooth. are to be so lucky that in our ability to speak freely, we can hold the steering wheel with both hands and not get a ticket in the process? there is a different set of challenges day afte -- different set of challenges they have. the guy was trying to figure out where thh party wasn't just taxing anybody who showed up on his blue -- and was just texting anybody who showed up on is bluetooth. show of hands, who would do that? creepy. no one would do that here. go to your university campus and do that, and you will be the top of the town, and not in a good way. i said, you are doing this just out of public, it almoss belligerently asking people what is going on, and aren't you worried about getting caught? and they all crowded around and said, and nobody over 30 knows what bluetooth is. it is a significa