. >> what does " bluhm mean?> code bleu is when somebody has a cardiac arrest -- >> what does code bleu mean? >>ue mean? >> code blue is when someone goes into cardiac arrest and we descend on the patient. >> is that what you do? >> no. this is what we do in the hospital. our default is to help. it is to save people. in doing that, we do not think about the money. it is the last thing on a physician's mind, is what money we are spending to bring someone back. i think that illustrates a very important point. it is not part of what a doctor does. >> we have been hearing, and i think in another conversation we had, some of the younger people coming into the business have a different attitude about money and their time than people your age. >> it is clearly different. i think that the reasons are justified, but i think that young physicians see a different horizon than guys were girls in my era. >> what is their horizon? >> elthey are more protective of their private time they want to be employed and not have the res