. >> what do you think about it coming from the bma, the british medical association, who haven't exactlythemselves in glory recently? they're pro medicalising autistic gay kids to make them infertile, seemingly, i don't know. i've read all of this, and i thought this was more about that fundamental moral issue, the ethical issue about whether you raise to someone the concept that they might want to vote for killing themselves. that seems even bigger than the political complaints about the union that we're talking about. and especially when you look at those front pages, corridors full of people who have put such a pressure just because the system can't handle it on the nhs and say to doctors, what are you the older have you thought about? yeah, i don't think that's right. >> and matthew parris already wrote openly in the times saying it should become taboo to hang around when you're old. so that's the context. >> and you saw obviously the thing about esther rantzen and this new miracle drug, that's that's great news for her that now hopefully she can live a much longer life. but this is