communications daily, kate tummarello is with the hill, and paul barbagallo is the managing editor of bloomberg bna, mr. barbagallo, let's start with you. what do you think on the fcc and the congressional agenda this year? >> guest: well, i think to start off spectrum. the fcc in 2014 and beyond will be intently focused on spectrum. congress as well. we will have this month the first spectrum auction at the fcc in nearly half a decade, and we'll have another spectrum auction later this year, and the biggest spectrum auction, which everybody has been eagerly anticipating, the incentive auction of spectrum in 2015 as new fcc chairman tom wheeler has stated. so that is, as i see it, one of the bigger issues in congress and fcc on the tech front. the wireless carriers have been lobbying aggressively for many years to free up federal airwaves, commercial airwaves to satisfy their consumers' appetite for bandwidth. >> host: how major is this month's spectrum auction? >> guest: well, later this month the fcc will hold the h block spectrum. many people thought it was going to be a bigger deal. basically,