forgive me, but the resemblance to bo derek is uncanny. do you haveany pets? uh, yes. her name is florence. is she a dog? well, that's one man's opinion. actually, florence is my maid. just a little joke, farrah. i mean, lucille. i ama dog lover. i can tell. you have canine written all over your face. jefferson, you asked if you could do anything for me. anything. my wife's sister is ill. i don't have medical training, but let's go. no, no. we're visiting her this weekend. could you take care of our dog? a dog? that's it? yes. i never forget a favor. what i meant was, that's it? just one dog? just poopsie. i hoped his name was "poopsie." i couldn't bear himsleeping in a kennel. poopsie can sleep with me. weezy won't mind the couch. now, mr. whitendale, let's talk merger. you two candiscuss businesswhen we return i hope he's not any trouble. little poopsiewon't be trouble. bring him in, ralph. here, mr. jefferson. take him, please. oh, ralph, poopsie's ripped your pants. i'm so sorry. that's all right, mr. whitendale, they're old pants, and skin grows back. thank you, s