bo diddley's going to come and greet us. oh, boy. bo diddley! hey. oh, yeah. - why does he like you? - he loves me. - you taste better. - oh. what do you mean he tastes better? i taste good. i taste just fine. feel that tongue. feel that tongue! this is our guy doya. he's a gentle giant. - oh, yeah? - can i give him an apple? yeah, but don't do it with your hand. set it right in front of him. - look at those teeth. look at them! - he can chomp-- look at him, dude! the whole thing, he's just gonna chow it. - yeah. - yeah, look at it. these are like your kids, right? oh, absolutely. we hope to give them a good, happy life where they get to have that and feel love and feel those good vibes, and have people over like y'all to get to interact with them and make sure that they know love. how much does this thing weight? 1,200 pounds. 1,200 pounds? do you feel the power? this bull is more powerful-- i would say double the power, triple the power of any superstar i've ever been in the ring with. one like this, and you're done. oh, boy! run! everybody run! it