gus going as this year? steve: a dinosaur. he hates it. my goodness. michelle: shocker there. jonathan: putting boots on bo, no, that won't fly. steve: gets the boots and everything. the bad news we have showers on the way. but not for the end of the week. look at the live camera. from weather bug, hyatt regency. forecast for this evening is in the 50's. mainly clear skies. a little bit chilly out there and breezy at times. don't forget we have a frost advisory off to west of us. grant, hardy, shenandoah and page county. nothing for t fine. tomorrow upper 50's to around 60. a little below average. speaking of the fall color change. we have moderate color across much of the area. give it a few days until the upcoming weekend. it will look really nice. the daytime high, upper 50's. middle 50's on wednesday. a chance for showers on thursday. the weekend may go to the pumpkin patch to get the weekend. middle 60's on saturday. sunday is 61 degrees. here is the storm watch 7 halloween forecast. one week from tonight we are calling for mainly clear skies. temperatures in the 50's. if your house is decked out for halloween, send us a