and mooinggmooe thann4,000 people -3 to another ship could bee dangerous out at sea and in - boaas are last resort. the triumph experienced an & electrical problem with one of its alternators abbut a week ago buu arnival says it as fixxd, passed inssection, andd had nothing to do with the recent ngine fire. "and again & we still have no owerrsoo food, prooide hot drinks, eec." two years ago, an engine ire on carnivvl's splendor left conditions or two ays in thee pacific ocean. "unfortunately i think with arnival this is -3 just a baddccincidence for them hat its happened on two of heir ships in this market. i'veeno reason to believe in aayyay not a first class operator.. 3 the ship is expecttd to arrive 33 afternoon. straight ahead... & the jobless pateeii riiing among younger workkrs. he reason whyyolder workers re moreelikely to get hhred. 3 in less thaa 10 & minutes.. we wiil be piccing the name of the lucky person & who can win 100 get your name in the box.. go to facebook ddt com slash foxbaltimore and fill out the can also go there to read complete conteet ule