to this establishment populous thing we were talking about -- it looked like he was at the board room of procteramble or something. scott walker looked like one of the guys. jeb looked like a ceo. mark: finally, let's take a look at marco rubio at the nra today talking about liberty. senator rubio: all these dangers are real. all of them can be overcome. but, they cannot be overcome by a government restricting our law-abiding citizens than on restricting our enemies.. my dad working as a bartender in a hotel and my mother working as a maid and stock clerk at k-mart, they were able to achieve the american dream. will you and i become the generation to leave our children worse off than ourselves? that is the question that will define this generation and i have an answer in mind. in three days in miami, i will announce whether i will run for president, for reelection to the senate or for commissioner of the national football league. [laughter] mark: i love that cute little smile. he was good. he was not as relaxed as walker, but he also did what walker did which was give a personal story speech wit