we have a vessel opportunity system where local boatmen and boat owners can come and register their votes to do work on the water, anything from -- boats to do work on the water, anything from inspecting booms, observing oil concentration, anything that will help our response. yesterday, we had a total of 443 vessels of opportunity working around alabama. i want to give you a sense of where they were at. daulphins out of island. 23 vessels from fairhope. we're trying to optimize the local knowledge, expertise, and talent. i would also like to talk about are qualified community and responder program -- our qualified community responder program. what we're trying to do is find unemployed individuals that would like to seek training and get involved in this response. the goal is to train over 4000 people across these states, 1500 in alabama, 1500 in mississippi, 1500 in florida. we have trained 2700 individuals and they are ready to deploy. 898 in alabama, 1500 in mississippi, and 344 in florida. there are 1900 individuals scheduled for training. the types of tasks today are involved include