bob ackerman of allegis capital is also funding those innovators... especially in the cyber security... cloud computing... and big data arenas. but he's not in any hurry to cash in on all the liquidity in the market. "if history teaches us anything, it's taking a company public prematurely is not a good idea. companies need to be ready and profitable." ackerman says valuations may be getting ahead of business fundamentals in the social space... which can sometimes be guided by 'flavor of the day' expectations rather than growth of demand... as in cyber security. "you begin to see trends that indicate there may be bubbles building." "when you're in a bubble, you never know it. you have to be concerned it ends. you look for irrational exuberance. i haven't seen evidence of that." analysts say the losers in the field will be those who miss a big opportunity... because they are not willing to take the risks. "2014 should be stronger than 2013 was, and the end result is it can handle a lot of ipos." google, facebook and intel are among the tech giants that