so all they want to do is make sure they can execute their suicide plans. >> bob bahre, one of the major developments today was the idea that najim laachraoui, the man believed to be one of the bombmakers for the paris attacks, perhaps making devices for the brussels attack as well, that he is dead. he was kills. one of the suicide attackers at the airport. how significant is that because there seems to be a division of opinion here. some say, well, on the one hand it shows how ges prat they are if this man with -- one of the bombmakers, one of the more precious assets isis might have. if he killed himself, it shows they were desperate or shows there may be more bombmakers. >> there are more bombmakers, absolutely for certain. we've been tracking this technology since the '80s. it rose in iraq in 2004. there's a palestinian that showed up and taught the iraqis. and from there it's been further disseminated. paul and i were talking before about it's best if you can get to a place like iraq or syria and test these things at a range, which they're doing. but as far as this master bombmaker,